Monday, March 30, 2009

Vacation, Yard Work and Scroll Saws

The Great Outdoors

I spent the day with my ipod and a whole lotta weeds. The weather was wonderful warm but not hot. My hands will barely move now. But I am content. I would much rather pull weeds than mop the floor! I start feeling too boxed in if I spend most of my time indoors. I think that is why my mood gets kinda gnarly in the winter. I wouldn't say that half of the weeding is's a big yard! But the next 3 days are yard work, then 2 days :-) on the house...and then nothing but crafting and sewing! yeah!!

The Crafty Part of the Day
I tried to take a nap after yard work, but my mind would not slow down. So I headed out to the garage and set up my scroll saw....I am a bit rusty to say the least, and leave it to me to pick a really hard pattern to cut. A bear jigsaw. My first cuts were out of control, was like an oops here and an opps there. But it started coming back just like riding a bike. I decided it would be nice to get back up to steam to do some frames,quilt hangers and also have some jigsaw puzzles for LiL Zach when he is ready to use them. Will have to research paints and woods that are safe for Toddlers...if anyone knows about this, please leave a comment.

So here is my last wood project from about a year ago. That's how long its been.

And here is the explosion picture box I made a couple of weeks ago

I think tomorrow I will go get the fabric for the binding on the wall quilt or it will drive me close to finished and just hanging on the back of a chair! And a trip to Home Depo to pick up some color panels, and some more practice wood. That is if I can move at all tomorrow from bending and pulling so much today...I ain't no spring chicken anymore.

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