Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Moving Forward With Art

I want to thank Elin Waterston for posting a comment to my blog re her book co-authored with Jane Davila. The book is very motivating and inspiring. And I think it is a wonderful gesture for an author to respond to little blogs like mine. I really recommend the book...Art Quilt Workbook.

I was up at 6:30 this morning working on the first exercise (I am on vacation) of the book! Talk about motivation! Although, I used the method I described in my previous blog, this time my free drawings came easier. When I look at pictures, I think in terms of creating that same image on a quilt or wall hanging, so I tend to reject some images that would not work in that way. But maybe, I should try to look at a picture and see it in the abstract to make it fit to represent that image. I just don't know yet, but it is something to think about. I think I would also like to take photos of the words, along with the book's first "reflective queries and thinking exercises" about going outside to observe ( I love nature, so this is a wonderful exercise). Also as well as observing the negative space, I want to do some sketches of the negative space. I had to do this in art class, and for some reason it was very reassuring, go figure, I am a bit strange.

As well as this morning's exercise, my grandaughter is coming over to help me design some t-shirts. Just for fun. We will use photo transfers, tracing and crayon heat setting, fabric paints, stamps, and beads. It should be a fun day. My guess is that my gd will want to play on the computer half way thru...but that is when I bring out the pizza for girl talk ,and hopefully lead the way back to creating. If that doesn't work we will simply put the dog on the leash and take a walk at the marina. I see no need to push her past the place she wants to go in her creativity as long as I am here to keep that option open to her.

The wind has finally stopped and it is time for me to get outside and clean the fountain. The humming birds get really upset when they don't have their fountain to play in. And because they are such a joy to watch, cleaning the fountain is a happy chore.

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